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Handelsblatt Business Briefing - ESG Ratings lack deforestation analysis (7/2024)
Swiss Impact Boutique strengthens focus on engagement processes (2/2024)
Award by sustainable finance professional magazine Ecoreporter (2/2024)
Take-Over of Portfolio-Management by CSR Beratungsgesellschaft (12/2023)
The wind has changed (10/2023)
22 questions to Julius van Sambeck (06/2023)
Virtual general meetings - poison for shareholder democracy (5/2023)
Newsletter Action! (5/2023)
Does Orsted have to be removed from sustainable funds? (3/2023)
Aurubis Shareholders proceed with Countermotions (2/2023)
How to actively influence sustainable business models (10/ 2022)
Supporting shareholder resolutions in an impact-oriented way (10/2022)
Expert Interview: How do funds create real sustainable impact? (9/2022)
Handelsblatt: Sustainable investments throw voting rights into the balance (6/2022)
Naive dream or real lever: Can ethical investment make the world more peaceful? (3/2022)
Shareholders for Change presents its 2021 Engagement Report (3/2022)
Engagement with solar companies on human rights concerns (1/2022)
Augen auf bei der Geldanlage - Haus des Stiftens (10/2021)
FFB Fondsgespräche in Dialogue (Interview) (10/2021)
Ethius Global Impact: Can an Equity Fund improve the World for Better? (Interview) (05/2021)
Ethius launches impact equity fund with MRB and Universal - finews.ch, (3/2021)
New equity fund should make a difference - The investment, (3/2021)
Isolating the power of impact investing from non-commercial areas of life - ExxecNews issue 26, page 8 (12/2020)
Lucerne boutique to launch global impact fund - CityWire Switzerland (11/2020)
Interview: ETHIUS INVEST with SENS - SENS Suisse Magazine (11/2020)
Sustainable investments: A question of definition? -
Private Magazine CH (09/2020)